Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cindy Seyfer, chair of the Orientation to Student Success Committee, gave an update on the work of the committee, which is focused on orienting the campus to the work of the SST and our culture of student success. The committee report is available here. To orient new faculty and staff to SST, current members will attend the information fair during New Faculty and Staff Orientation. If any SST members are interested in volunteering to attend an orientation session to share information about SST, please contact Cindy Seyfer. Placards were available for SST members to take and hang in their offices promoting student success, and Cindy provided a preview of some other SST SWAG that will be available soon.


Kelley Ashby and Paul Mintner provided updates and asked for guidance and feedback on several components of our campus-wide Strengths and Student Leadership project, which will launch summer 2016. Incoming students for Fall 2016 will take Gallup’s Strengths Assessment, and will be introduced to pathways for undergraduate student leadership development. This will be informed by work related to Dr. Corey Seemiller’s Student Leadership Competencies. View their presentation here. View the implementation chart here. In order to accomplish the goals of this project, departmental champions are needed to help support their department’s readiness and ability to promote student leadership development using Gallup StrengthsFinder and the Student Leadership Competencies. Individuals interested in being engaged with this project in their own department should contact Paul Mintner and Kelley Ashby