Dr. Wayne Jacobson, Director of Assessment in the Office of the Provost, presented “Moving Beyond First Come, First Served for Student Success and Academic Engagement.” Wayne provided an update on the procedures for institutional accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) including the requirement to undertake a Quality Initiative. The Quality Initiative is designed to benefit the institution, focusing on innovations or areas for improvement that we might want to pursue. The proposed UI Quality Initiative, Moving Beyond First Come, First Served for Student Success and Academic Engagement Initiatives, is designed to target students who are at greatest risk of not persisting to graduation and more effectively recruit them to participate in established initiatives that have been shown to increase student engagement, persistence, and success. SST members then discussed potential partners and stakeholders as well as areas of campus experience and expertise for this initiative in small groups.
View the presentation slides. Article mentioned in presentation: “Who Gets to Graduate?” by Paul Tough