Cindy Ann Kilgo, doctoral student in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program, presented Creating Affirming Environments for Trans* Students at the University of Iowa. This presentation highlighted work currently being done on campus to create an inclusive campus environment for trans* students including:
- revising student records systems.
- facilitating practices for correctly using students’ name and gender pronouns.
- auditing campus for gender-inclusive restroom facilities.
- creating a website for trans* community members to easily find resources both on and off campus.
View Cindy Ann’s presentation here and handout here. SST members then had the opportunity to brainstorm ways they could support trans* students in their own departments.
As a part of this work, Cindy Ann also put out a call for interested faculty, staff, and students to participate in two educational videos. These videos will discuss the importance of using a student’s preferred name and gender pronouns. The videos will be partially scripted, so participants are being asked to simply read one line from the script. We want to have people from a variety of campus units present in the videos so let Cindy Ann ( know if you are interested!