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Who can join SST?
All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to join the SST.
How can you be involved?
You choose your level of involvement in SST. You can:
- Join the SST listserv to stay informed by receiving the SST newsletter and other updates from around campus.
- Learn about student success initiatives by attending an SST meeting. SST meetings are held three times a semester (September, October, November and February, March, April).
- Contribute to ongoing and new student success initiatives by joining a SST committee.
Why join?
There are many benefits to joining the Student Success Team. Some benefits include:
- Professional development opportunities
- Engaging with colleagues across campus
- Giving back to the University of Iowa community
- Working on institution wide projects
- Improving the University of Iowa
Join now!
To join, simply add your name to the SST listserv. The listserv is our primary method of communicating with SST members.