The topic of the November 2020 SST meeting was Creating and Sustaining Virtual Student Communities in the COVID-19 Environment: Student and Staff Perspectives. See the meeting outline below.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Student Panel
- McKrina Lopez, Student Lead, Latino Native American Cultural Center, MISSE
- Jacob Sammon, Resident Assistant, Daum Residence Hall
- Hazel Ward, Zeta Tau Alpha Chapter President, Fraternity & Sorority Life Programs
- Presentation by Katherine Beydler, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Center for Teaching
- Staff Panel
- Tina Arthur, Director, Orientation Services
- Shuhui Lin, Coordinator, International Student Support & Engagement, ISSS and MISSE
- Mike Meginnis, Educational Support Services Associate, Center for Diversity & Enrichment
- Small Group Breakout and Share Out
- Campus Updates and Announcements
View the Zoom recording here.